I miss the old React(Kanye) ⚛
I cooked a Kanye-ish song and it went a little viral.

Riki Phukon
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Let me inform you beforehand that this song is a light take on the recent innovations in ReactJS ⚛. I do not, in any way, hate ReactJS. In fact, it is one of my favorite pieces of technology in modern times!

It was at around 1 am, I had just finished making my bed. I give my Twitter(X) feed one last scroll and that's when I discover a trending tweet by a well known Twitter personality, it was kinda like Kanye's interlude, and in his voice! He later linked the repo below.

so-vits-svc fork with realtime support, improved interface and more features.
This tweet quoted another tweet by a tech entreprenuer who actually wrote it. Me being me, I quicly capitalzed on the idea, opened up my Bandlab after 4 years and started cooking. Needless to say it came out pretty neat!✨
Despite being a fan of Kanye's recent work, I frequently revisit his debut album, "The College Dropout," finding myself nostalgic for the old Kanye.
Kanye himself acknowledges this sentiment in his song "I Love Kanye," prompting reflection on why many share a preference for the earlier phase of his career. The song has no instrumental, here give it a play.: