GMT-3 in GMT +5:30
I belong to a different time zone

Riki Phukon
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I often feel that the night is when the world truly comes alive when the veil between the seen and the unseen is lifted, and the mysteries of existence are revealed.
—Yours truly(riki)
It’s 4 am now and I am finding it difficult to sleep. The hours have grown long and the night has grown deep, but my mind is still racing with thoughts and ideas.
I find myself out of step with the rhythms of my country, better suited to the time zone of GMT-3 than my own GMT+5:30.
I have been studying/working/surfing the internet late into the night, disrupting my natural sleep cycle, and now I am paying the price.
I can’t help but think about the beauty of the night. The silence, the stillness, the sense of being alive in the darkness. I have always been fascinated by the night, and the way it can bring out the strangeness and the beauty in the world.
I often feel that the night is when the world truly comes alive when the veil between the seen and the unseen is lifted, and the mysteries of existence are revealed.
Sleep consumes a significant portion of our lives, if I ever wanted a superpower (what superpower would you want to have?), it would be the ability not to sleep and be perfectly healthy. But sleep is so very important, in the book ‘Why We Sleep’ by Mathew Walker, he writes that sleeping less shrinks your testicles!
I had to put the book down unfinished, as reading about the negative effects of lack of sleep made me feel guilty for not prioritizing it enough.

A part of me would always conjure up an ever-so-important reason to burn the midnight oil, and not exploring it would make me wallow in guilt as well, cuz your 20s are when you’re so full of energy and vitality, ain’t they?
Additionally, the twenties are often a time of exploration and experimentation, as we begin to discover our own passions, interests, and goals.
So it feels like I’m wasting my precious 20s, sleeping. Talking of which I’m stressed af rn. Reminds me of the song, ‘I’m Eighteen’ by Alice Cooper, only I’m 22 now. Anyways I make it a goal to form healthy sleeping habits this year.